Donald J. Trump – one of the most controversial US presidents in modern history

US politics is a core element of the English Oberstufe syllabus. However, if it is not a teacher who tells the students about the topic, a higher level of understanding and insight might be achieved. For that reason Dr. Markus Hünemörder of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München was invited to talk to our Q11 and Q12 English students about current US politics. The both informative and entertaining talk focused on Donald Trump´s notorious presidency. The distinguished scholar explained how the billionaire fought his way into the White House and illustrated present “idiosyncratic” traits of being Donald Trump. One of Hünemörder´s aspects which he tried to get across was that if one ignores Trump´s in parts insulting, bold and offensive rhetoric, rather ordinary conservative US politics is left in the basket. After the talk the approachable guest offered to take on any questions that have not been answered in the presentation.

The presentation that features – among others – the Simpsons can be downloaded at


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